Feb 19, 2024


Educopia Institute

Branding & Website Design Consultant

All Positions Considered



Aloma Antao

Job Description

We are currently seeking a Branding & Website Design Consultant for a project that includes both a brand refresh and website redesign. Please find more information about the role, scope of work, and the organization in the attached link. Our 4-month-long process must result in a modernized digital-savvy visual brand that better distinguishes the organization and its work, fully executed across a range of media. Deliverables: - Updated Brand Identity: Brand kit including a visual identity (logo) and associated brand system (color palette, typography, design system for print, digital, and video communication, and brand applications) - Wordpress Website Refresh: Responsive, easy to navigate and update, incorporating updated Brand Identity Timelines: Send an email with your proposal, with “Branding & Website Consultant 2024” in the subject, no later than 03-08-2024 to aloma.antao@educopia.org. Please submit any questions regarding this proposal via email to aloma.antao@educopia.org by 03-01-2024. A final decision is expected on 03-11-2024

# of People on Team
1 Person
# of P.O.C. on Team
1 Person
Up to $17500 USD
Visa Sponsorship
Aloma Antao

Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!                      

Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!                      

Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!                      

Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!