Job Description
The Civic Designer will play a central role in deploying design-based innovation approaches to support City Halls and communities around the country to build prosperous futures through climate action and advancing racial wealth equity. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in design methodology and the ability to use and apply intentional design processes that include research, ideation, and delivery with key stakeholders, including community members, centered in the process. Ideally, they will also have experience in designing and delivering impactful public sector programs or services. The Civic Designer is an employee of Johns Hopkins University and based in St. Louis City Hall. The Civic Designer will report to the i-team Director. The first of its kind in the world, the Center aims to advance the field of public sector innovation by marrying cutting-edge practice with world-class research to transform the culture of government, deliver exceptional results for residents, and inspire trust in public service. The Center is committed to working with communities focused on ending legacies of structural, entrenched racism and oppression. The Civic Designer must be willing to think about reimagined government, knowledge, and engagement models through the lens of dismantling these legacies.
Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!
Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!
Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!
Don't forget to mention Where are the Black Designers? when applying!