Welcome to the Cookout

Join Our Community

You're a Black Creative?

Join a growing community of 1500+ Black designers. Joining our Slack space is a great way to meet other Black creatives, find opportunities and events from all over the design world, participate in discussions about experiences and cultural events, among a multitude of other things. Learn with us. Laugh with us!

Join Our Slack ↗
Animated GIF of young Black child dancing on a chair.

You're an Ally?

The best way to support the upkeep and furthered growth of this community is by donating, but our Slack space is also open to Allies! This is another great way to offer support, knowledge, and time to Black creatives. Please refrain from joining if silent observation is your main goal...

DonateJoin Our Slack ↗
Animated GIF of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers locking hands.

A Quick Code of Conduct...

Full Code of Conduct